We purchased the property in 2016, but our story starts many years before that.
In career terms, farming was not something we had ever considered. Ron was an engineering professor for thirty years while Tammy helped to run several non-profit organizations. As if our professional lives and raising two very active boys did not keep us busy enough, we also had several side gigs. Together and with our wonderful partners we co-founded an engineering software and consulting company, co-developed a real estate investment company that flipped houses and managed rental properties, coached numerous travel baseball teams, and more.
In our late forties, Tammy started to experience some issues related to gut health. Medical tests were done and medicines were prescribed. But our own research suggested there was a better way, and Tammy healed herself (proven by medical tests) by changing the foods she ate and controlling stress! Ron also felt better when following this approach. This experience led us down a path of discovery about our food systems and their effects on our health and our environment. We spent the next five years of spare time learning and looking for ways to make a difference in agriculture and health. Somehow, starting a farm still never crossed our minds.
As we reached our early fifties, we began to think about what we wanted to do in retirement. After three decades of teaching, researching, building, managing and coaching, it was not likely that we could just turn off the switch that makes us want to be productive and help people. But we did feel a desire to change gears and direction. Looking at this question from many different perspectives led to a truly unexpected solution. Let’s build a regenerative farm in Tennessee!
A few months later we had a five-year plan on paper and we started looking at properties just for fun. As fate would have it, the very first property we saw captured our hearts and checked all of our boxes. Our five-year plan turned into a five-week plan, and suddenly we were land owners. Yeah, that’s how we roll.
Now we hope to share our journey and our farm products with others who are seeking health, and hopefully inspire a few people to start their own journey toward regenerative farming. Join us!